Welcome to P.G. Senapathy Center for Computing Resource

 Helpdesk at the first floor of CC is operative 09:00 am to 05:30 pm from Monday to Friday,  Lunch hours (01:00 to 1:30 p.m).

 You can reach the desk using the internal phone number 5999 for registering complaints.

 For registering complaints directly to concern vertical mail to :

 Eservices: helpdeskeservices@iitm.ac.in

 Networks: helpdesknetworks@iitm.ac.in

 HPCE: helpdeskhpce@iitm.ac.in

Workflow: helpdeskworkflow@iitm.ac.in (workflow, course registration, moodle)

General: helpdeskcc.iitm.ac.in

 A ticket will be created to under each vertical