Current News
1. SOLIDWORKS Commercial Software Availability We are happy to announce the availability of new commercial software called SOLIDWORKS.
< Click here > and kindly make use of it. If you face any downloading issue, kindly collect the software copy from computer center.
Instructions were provided. Please feel free to contact us for further assistance.
Note: SOLIDWORKS is only available for Windows.
2. Matlab Standalone License Renewal
If it prompts for the activation while launching matlab, just click on Next and provide your mathworks account user-id and password. Then click on Next, Next, Next, Confirm & Finish to update license.
Else you can also follow the instructions given in the below document.
3. Gaussian 16 is now available in virgo.
4. Virgo system will not be available for the users on 18/12/2018 from 9 AM to 5 PM due to Gigabit switch replacement. So kindly schedule your jobs accordingly.
Uncompleted jobs will get cancelled.
Inconvenience caused is regretted.
5. Virgo system will not be available for the users on 15/09/2018 from 9 AM to 5 PM due to Electrical Maintenance.
Uncompleted jobs will get cancelled.
So kindly schedule your jobs accordingly.
Inconvenience caused is regretted.
6 . Virgo system will not be available to the users on 21/03/2018 from 9 AM to 5 PM in view of preventive maintenance.
Uncompleted jobs will be gets cancelled.
Kindly schedule your jobs accordingly.
Inconvenience caused is regretted.
7. The number of licenses per user has been restricted to 3 for Ansys.
8. LABVIEW software is now available for the user purpose. It can be downloaded from the ftp site given in the below link.
< LabVIEW Software Download >
9. Matlab campus wide licenses have been renewed with all tool boxes with unlimited licenses and is valid till 31-Dec-2018.
Standalone licenses of Matlab with all tool boxes are also available. To get the standalone licenses, please fill up the matlab license requisition form available in CC web site. This license will work even if there is no network connectivity.
All registered Matlab users of the standalone licenses are requested to renew their standalone licenses by logging in to Mathworks site using their mathworks user name and password.
Step-wise procedure to renew the Matlab license was available in the attached document below.
10. Dear Virgo Users,
Virgo system will not be available for the users on 15/10/2018 from 9 AM to 5 PM due to Electrical Maintenance.Uncompleted jobs will get cancelled.So kindly schedule your jobs accordingly.Inconvenience caused is regretted.